Links |
Square Turning - How To
In this Website Steve Worcester shows us step-by-step how to make a square turning.
Date:2008-01-08, Google PR:2 |
Wood Turning Angel Wings
Woodturning angel wing bowls, an intermediate project with a real flair and a great visual presentation.
Date:2008-01-08, Google PR:1 |
Wood Turning Natural Edged Bowls
Woodturning natural edged bowl is demonstrated by Darrell Feltmate, a juried woodturner living in Nova Scotia. How-to advice with lots of pictures.
Date:2008-01-08, Google PR:1 |
Chopsticks and Rice Bowl Set
Teknatool showing how to turn a Chopstick and Rice Bowl Set.
Date:2008-01-08, Google PR:0 |
Coring Backwards
Bob Hamilton shows us how to get a deeper bowl by using a Backwards Coring trick.
Date:2008-01-09, Google PR:0 |
How I mount bowls
There are many ways to mount bowls blanks to a lathe.
Some turners use faceplates and some will rough out blanks between centers.
I know of one turner who roughs out bowls using a big pin chuck.
I've tried all these methods and they all work well.
Here is my method for mounting bowl blanks on the lathe.
Date:2009-06-27, Google PR:0 |
No Chuck Bowl
In a YouTube video series, Bob Hamilton turns a bowl using no chucks at all.
Date:2009-04-09, Google PR:0 |
True Economy
Bob Hamilton Shows us how to turn a bowl from a single board.
Date:2008-01-09, Google PR:0 |
Turning a Helix
Creating an interactive sculpture, a helix form cut from a turned bowl.
Date:2008-01-08, Google PR:0 |
Turning a Lidded Bowl
Bob Hamilton shows you how to turn a Lidded Bowl in this article.
Date:2008-01-09, Google PR:0 |
Turning a simple bowl
Turning a crossgrain bowl with a side ground bowl gouge out of ambrosia maple.
Date:2008-01-10, Google PR:0 |
Bowl From A Board (PDF)
Here is a simple way to make a stunning bowl from just scrap sticks of wood I’m sure everyone has lying around their shop.
By Jeff Matter
Date:2011-02-11, Google PR:-1 |
Emerging Bowl
Date:2014-08-18, Google PR:-1 |
Legend |
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Web sites that link back to Woodturning Learning Center (TPT).
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